JET Septic Systems

What can you say about the grandfather of residential septic systems? Jet is the first company to mass-produce an aerobic septic system and receive NSF approval. Every three-compartment, concrete housed aerobic septic system is based on the Jet system. The dimensions might be a little different on the trash tank, aerobic chamber, or pump tank but it’s the same design. As you can see they all look very similar the dimensions are very close as well is this a bad thing that in many of ways the systems mimicking this design are more maintenance-friendly than a JET? They are easier to access, clean out, and work on in general. Most use a Hiblow septic air pump which is readily available on the market. Some of these designs include the first Hoot, LA- HOOT, Pro-flow, Mo-dad, Cajun Aire, Solar air, Enviro-Flo/Nu- water, and Aquaklear to name a few. All these systems use a linear or rotary vane type of septic air pump, or aerator to feed the tank air instead of a shaft style aerator. So here is a secret if you are sick and tired of using a shaft style motor you can modify the system to use a Hiblow. It will probably work very well to NSF standards just not NSF test. Now NSF will say this isn’t approved and so on and so forth but as you can see in the pictures below the systems on the same design as the jet it worked. It doesn’t take a brain surgeon to figure it out. Not taking away from what Jet has done for the industry they have done tons, great ideas still come out of Jet. Our job is to inform you the consumers of everything we know that you don’t so you can make an informed choice on things.

One of the frustrating things if your a septic professional is that jet will only sell to jet people and this is very frustrating. Because when you call to get parts, they tell you to call a dealer who then wants to charge 600 dollars for a 300 dollar part. So most just use alternative shaft pumps. I don’t know why this as a provider I would instead buy OEM parts jets aerator last a long time in most cases if they did. In some states, they will force you to use a jet authorized dealer, or repair person. Its a significant part of why they are not factor in a lot of states. It also has made a considerable market for alternative parts. If you are the small business and your family depends on you your not going to give a job away from that someone called you to do so, you will fix it with what is out there and make it work efficiently. All jet has done by restricting the market is hurt their growth by taking an anti-free market stance trying to control something that at the mommet they don’t it limits you the customer’s choices in who can provide a service and who can service you. What if the provider is not right and is hards to work with. There is a ton of issues that arise from doing things this way. Consider this when you are doing a system if its that complicated and only certain people can work on it why would you no choice a system that is easier to work on. We have always believed the easier it is, the better it’s engendered.

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