Gast Septic Air Pumps

Gast has held its place as one of the most trusted and highly effective brands in the septic system supply industry for nearly 100 years. Their state-of-the-art septic system equipment, which includes their elite line of rotary vane septic air pumps, are ideal tools for the maintenance and healthy function of both residential and commercial septic systems. Gast septic air pumps are designed to provide continuous and pulse-free airflow to your septic tank in order to supply its helpful bacteria with plenty of oxygen. This oxygen feeds the bacteria, allowing it to efficiently and effectively break down and settle waste within your system. This breakdown of waste is necessary to prevent toxicity levels rising, difficulties in removal and disposal, and general malfunction of the system such as overflow or waste buildup. Because of this, septic air pumps are an integral part of any aerobic septic system and its proper and efficient performance.

Features of Gast Rotary Vane Septic Air Pumps

Gast’s top of the line rotary vane septic air pumps is constructed using highly durable and high-quality materials. Each pump is designed using a cylindrical housing containing a variety of flat, sliding vanes that are powered by rotors. The rotors turn the vanes using centrifugal force and a certain amount of pressure in order to create air pockets. These air pockets help in the creation of a vacuum, which in turn helps to ensure pressure flows stay steady, and the air is constantly being moved throughout the tank. This constant movement of oxygen helps to more evenly break down and settle waste within your system and ensure your entire system is working properly and staying healthy. 

Rotary vane septic air pumps tend to have a longer life than typical septic air pumps due to minimal wear and tear on the vanes themselves. Gast rotary vane septic air pumps are no different; these pumps have a typical life of around 8 to 10 years without proper maintenance. Proper maintenance also happens to be incredibly simple for Gast rotary vane septic air pumps. We recommend cleaning and maintaining the top filters of these pumps every four months or so, which ensures optimal performance and longevity. Other than this simple 3-times-a-year cleaning cycle, Gast septic air pumps require almost no additional service or maintenance during their lifecycle. This incredible durability is only one of the elements that set Gast rotary vane septic air pumps apart, but it is an important one. With between 8-10 years of uninterrupted service, the Gast line of rotary vane septic air pumps can make more than 7 billion rotations before its first servicing, rebuild, or replacement making Gast septic air pumps one of the longest-lasting lines on the market.

Cost Considerations

When determining a budget, you must factor in not only the initial cost of the unit you are preparing to purchase, but also the cost of operation, energy usage, repairs, and so on. While rotary vane air pumps tend to land on the pricier side when compared to linear septic air pumps both in initial purchase cost and in the cost of running the unit, rotary vane septic air pumps tend to be much more economical when it comes to longevity, maintenance, repairs, and replacement. Linear pumps typically require replacing in as little as 6 years, whereas rotary vane septic air pumps can last as long as 10 to 15 years with minor repairs and routine maintenance. In the long run, a rotary vane septic air pump will last you longer and require less maintenance than less expensive linear models.

Is it Time to Replace your Septic Air Pump?

At Wholesale Septic Supply, they carry Gast rotary vane septic air pumps along with all the parts you may need to repair or rebuild your unit. If you are in need of a replacement or new rotary vane septic air pump, look no further than the Gast line. Their expert team is ready to help you choose the perfect Gast rotary vane septic air pump for your residential or commercial septic system, and to help you know when and how to repair or replace your system.

If more than 10 years have passed since the installation of your septic system’s rotary vane septic air pump, it may be time to inspect, repair, or replace. Signs of damaged, broken, or malfunctioning rotary vane septic air pumps can be (though are not limited to):

  • Foul-smelling discharge from the septic system
  • Discharge that has the appearance of raw sewage (i.e. it is not clear, or odorless)
  • Observable improper drainage and/or overflow of the system itself

Any of these symptoms, a combination of, or these symptoms with additional symptoms are likely a sign of malfunctioning parts. In this case, contacting a professional to determine whether or not a full replacement is necessary may be required. To prevent system malfunctions like the ones mentioned above, proper maintenance and repair of your system throughout its lifecycle are required.

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